Don Bosco Technical Institute only high school participating in project
(MissionNewswire) Don Bosco Technical Institute, located in Downey, Calif., is participating in the “Space Shuttle Inspiration Pathfinder” project, which aims to restore an original mock-up of the space shuttle. This full-scale model was originally used to gain approval for the space shuttle program and to contribute to the final design. Used in the following years for the development of hardware and software, it is now part of the “Columbia Memorial Space Science Learning Center” in Downey.
A Salesian explained, “Don Bosco Technical Institute is the only high school participating in this project. Students, under the guidance of teachers and former students who played a fundamental role in the space program, will dismantle, document, refurbish, and restore the landing gear. This is an exciting opportunity for students to put into action skills they have learned.”
For more than 65 years, Don Bosco Technical Institute has been producing engineers, scientists, lawyers, entrepreneurs and leaders in all sectors of industry. Young men of all religious, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds leave the school prepared to be lifelong learners, with the tools to succeed in college and beyond.
Working throughout the United States and around the globe, Salesian missionaries have created a vast network of primary, secondary, vocational and technical schools serving poor youth. With a focus on education and workforce development, Salesians worldwide provide disadvantaged youth valuable resources to help them find livable wage employment to break the cycle of poverty and lead meaningful and productive lives.
Functioning side by side with Salesian schools, youth centers and after-school programs offer youth opportunities for engaging in constructive activities. Through organized programs, which often include sports and music, youth are taught teamwork and social skills while gaining opportunities for personal growth. Some youth centers also offer small medical clinics and, where needed, nutritional programs to protect children from malnutrition. Youth programs also offer valuable volunteer opportunities for youth to have a chance to engage with others and support their own communities.
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